
Category: Computerlinguistik

breaking a cryptogram

on p. 206 of coulmas 1989 book the writing systems of the world, there is an image of the following cryptogram: apparently, the author had given this encrypted text to some of his…

Further Thoughts on Computational Linguistics

I’ve been talking to various people about the ideas expressed in my last post on computational linguistics. It seems that most people recognize the problems I talked about, but do not draw equally…

Computational Linguistics and Semiotics

The longer I think about computational linguistics, what the discipline is, what it’s trying to achieve and how far it has come by now, the clearer I see some fundamental problems in the…

programmiersprachen und sprachen

gerade habe ich das buch ‘eine kleine geschichte der sprache’ von steven roger fischer gelesen (2. auflage 2004; engl. original aus dem jahr 1999). es ist ein nettes kleines büchlein, das einen sehr…